The purpose of a just society is to protect the innocent governed. The court system is an integral part of a just government. It is designed as an adversarial (plaintiff/defendant) assertion of binding legal principles. WE are in active support of the several pro-life legal efforts nation wide. We are proud of them.

The unfortunate aspect of such volunteer based legal work is that very often the resources of good attorneys are called upon to defend pro-life advocates. This often devolves into a 'defensive' posture by pro-life legal advocates.

In point of fact our opponents prefer a more aggressive, assertive manner in their advocacy, and that is precisely what we should do in order to be effective advocates in legal/government affairs.

Instead of 'defense' we are better advised to play offense. Instead of Defendants we are better advise to 'take ground' to be assertive and prevailing, Plaintiffs.

Using a strategic view of the law, PLAN, Pro-life Attorneys' Network is determined to strategically (PLAN) an approach to legal challenges of policy and procedures that destroy and denigrate innocent human lives.

Please feel free to offer your support and patronage.


(not restricted to attorneys)

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